MCM College took on the initiative to organise a “Kindness Challenge Week” from 9-13 November 2020 with the support of the resident fellow, House Association and social worker. This campaign provided opportunities for residents to carry out random acts of kindness in their daily lives, especially during this time of pandemic. During that week, MCMers were challenged to complete one little act of kindness every day to make a little difference in the world. To pay kindness forward, participants were encouraged to take pictures in front of the activity backdrop board and invite people around them to accept the kindness challenge on that day through their social media. Among the kindness challenge activities, the most popular one was the “Smiley Mask”. In a world of mask wearing and social distancing, where we can hardly see the smiles on people’s faces, this interesting activity bound all MCMers together to express the power of smiling and convey the message, “Isolating Virus without Isolating Kindness”.