1. Please take back baskets and laundry products instead of leaving them beside the washing machines.
2. Please keep the laundry area clean and retrieve your clothes and laundry products in a timely manner.
3. Please do not leave any personal items and keep the corridor tidy and clean.
4. Please follow all posted instructions for the use of washer and dryer.
5. DO NOT overload the machines.
6. DO NOT wash rugs, shoes, or other large items in the machines.
7. Collect your clothes from washers and dryers in a timely manner.
8. DO NOT unplug and move any of the machines in operation.
9. DO NOT force/pull the machine door open when machines are in operation.
10. Load detergent and softener in the right location to avoid blocking the dispenser drawers.
11. Contact MCMC office to report malfunctions of the machines.
*Any violation of College rules will affect students’ residency at the College
1. 請將洗衣籃和洗滌用品帶走,不要將物品堆放在洗衣機旁。
2. 請保持好洗衣房的乾淨整潔,及時取回清洗好的衣物與洗滌用品。
3. 請不要放置物品堵塞走廊。
4. 請按照張貼在門口的使用指南使用洗衣機與乾衣機。
5. 請不要一次性清洗過量衣物。
6. 請勿使用洗衣機清洗地毯、鞋子或其他大型的物品。
7. 當機器在運轉時,不要拔下插頭或移動機器。
8. 在機器運轉時,請不要強行打開或用力拉拽洗衣或干衣機門。
9. 在正確的位置裝載洗滌劑和柔順劑,避免堵塞洗滌劑格槽。
10. 如果發現故障或損壞的機器,請及時向滿珍紀念書院辦公室報告問題。
* 違反書院規定的學生,其住宿資格有可能被取消